
Research Facilities:

            All the departments are well equipped with laboratory equipment. There are total 113 major equipment which are being used for post graduate and under graduate programmes.

Department/ LaboratoryName of Equipment
Agricultural EntomologyBinocular Microscopes
Ph meter
Electronic Weighing Balance
Hot Air Oven
Potter Spray Tower
Magnascope (Table Top)
Agricultural MicrobiologyAutoclave (Horizontal) 1) Nat Steel Horizontal   Rectangular Sterilizer of Chamber size  600x600x120 mm
Autoclave (Vertical)
Balance (Electronic)
Binocular Microscope (Olympus make)
Bacteriological incubator
Colony counter (digital)
Shaker Horizontal Rotatory
Tray Dryer
Electrical conductivity meter microprocessor based on digital display
Hot air oven
Hand pH meter
Vest frost vertical deep freezer – 200C
U V trans illuminator
LCD Projector
Laminar Air flow (Horizontal 6x2x2)
Micro controller based vision spectrophotometer
Membrane filter
Micro centrifuge MC (Tarson co)
BiotechnologyTissue Homogeniser
Water Baths
Refrigerator (4C)
Deep freezer (-20C)
Analytical balance
Orbital shaker
pH Meter
Micro Centrifuge
Refrigerated centrifuge
Horizontal electrophoresis Units
Automatic capillary electrophoresis
UV Spectrophotometer
UPS Back Ups for the instruments
Gel documentation Units
Ice Maker
UV transilluminator
Computer system
Liquid Nitrogen can
Laminar air flow chambers
Water purification Unit
Crop PhysiologySPADMeter
Lux Meter
Electronic Balance
Hot water bath
Food science and nutritionDomestic flour mill
Genetics and Plant BreedingHorizontal Electrophoresis apparatus    
Godrej Refrigerator
Induction cooker (cap 10lit)
Microwave oven (25 lit)
Ultra sonic bath
Microscope (medical)
Dissecting microscope
Zoom Stereo Binocular Microscope Magnus
Electronic weighing Balances
Digital electronic analytical balance
Hot water bath
Binocular Microscope with UPS system
Students microscope
Digital Camera
Electronic pH meter
Plant PathologyDigital spectrophotometer (340-960mm
Hot air Oven
Electrophoresis units
Electronic balance
Hot air Oven
Magnus Binocular Microscope
Laminar Air flow (4’x2’x2’)
Laminar air flow (Horizontal)
Autoclave  vertical with paddle (3ft)
Vertical Autoclave   Size:18”x24”
Deep freezer (Voltas)
Cooling centrifuge
B.O.D. Incubator with shaker with Humidity control
Seed Science and TechnologyAutoclave
Hot air oven
Laminar air flow chamber
Electrical conductivity meter
pH meter
BOD incubator
Double beam spectrophotometer
Dissecting microscopes
Seed image analyzer
Digital moisture meter
Seed counting machine
Seed grinding machine
Walk in seed germinator
PCR machine with gel documentation unit
Soil Science and Agricultural ChemistryDigital Conductivity meter with Cell Mode
Weighing balance
Automatic Nitrogen Estimation System (Double units)
Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
Weighing balance
KVA static inverter UPS/ online UPS with 1 hour backup
Digital Conductivity meter with Cell Mode
Soil pH meter
Flame photometer
Micro centrifuge
Glass Double Distillation unit (water)
Magnetic stirrer
Vertex machine
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