Plant Pathology

About the Department:

The department of Plant Pathology started functioning with the establishment of the College of Agriculture, Vijayapur in the year 1990-91. The department offers Post-Graduate Programme in Plant Pathology discipline leading to M.Sc. (Agri.) from 2012 with well-qualified staff and gradually developed with well developed laboratory and research facilities. The department has achieved recognition at State, National and International level through its high quality graduates, research publications and outreach activities. Fifty six students have completed their M.Sc. Agri in this department since 2014. Two students of this department have bagged University Gold medals in the year 2014-15 and 2016-17, respectively and most of them are working in private and government organizations. Our future vision is to enhance the quality of agricultural education and research in the College to reach international standards. In the year 2015-16, the department occupied additional space in the new wing of the college in the IInd floor. The department is also equipped with audiovisual aids and lab facilities are helping teachers to conduct practicals more effectively.This department helps in providing quality education and training in the field of plant protection in general and plant pathology in particular. This department is addressing the burning problems of the farmers of this region like Bacterial blight and anthracnose of Pomegranate, downy mildew, powdery mildew and anthracnose in Grape, Canker and gummosis in Citrus, Wilt of Chickpea and Pigeonpea, blast of bajra etc.

With the efforts of scientists working in the plant pathology discipline in the College and ARS/ RARS in the region many technologies such as; identification and first report of pathogen of pomegranate wilt (Ceratocystis fimbriata)and its effective management, grapevine diseases including anthracnose, downy and powdery mildew, forecasting and efficacy of new molecules/chemicals, management of bacterial blight of pomegranate, citrus dry root rot, pulse crops like pigeon pea, chick pea, cereals charcoal rot of sorghum, pearl millet blast and rust etc. have been developed for in Northern Dry Zone (Zone 3) of Karnataka.Recommendations and consultancy to the farmers through large scale field demonstrations and visits for the integrated management of diseases were provided. The department faculty helps in evaluating the efficacy of new fungicides/antibiotics/ bioagents developed by private and other government organizations by conducting chemical testing trials.

Brief History of the PG degree programme:

Year of Start2012
Objectives of Initiating M.Sc. ProgrammeTo impart quality education, training and research programme in the field of Plant PathologyTo undertake research to address burning problems of farmers issues related to etiology, epidemiology and management of economically important diseases on horticultural and annual field crops etc.To evaluate the efficacy of new molecules for the effective management of diseases.
Accomplishments of ProgrammeSo far about 65 students have obtained master’s degree in Plant pathology.  

Faculty Strength

Professor and Equivalent1
Assistant Professor and Equivalent211
Total3   11

* Two staff members are availed from research and KVK.

Technical and Supporting Staff

Farm and Field worker (Specify) Skilled helper01

Classrooms and laboratories:

List of classroom and functional laboratories

ParticularsNo. of RoomCapacity
No. of Lecture rooms with sitting capacity0235
No. of smart class-rooms; Seminar room with LCD.0240 each

List of all working equipments present in the department

Name of the Articles
Digital spectrophotometer (340-960 mm)
Hot air Oven
Electrophoresis units
Electronic balance
Hot air Oven
Magnus Binocular Microscope
Laminar Air flow (4’x2’x2’)
Laminar air flow (Horizontal)
Autoclave  vertical with paddle (3ft)
Vertical Autoclave   Size:18”x24”
Deep freezer (Voltas)
Cooling centrifuge
B.O.D. Incubator with shaker with Humidity control

Mention theory and practical batches for PG programmes

No. of Courses offered08
No. of theory and practical batches01 each
No. of courses with practical component07

Conduct of Practical and Hands-on training:

            Every student has to register for minimum of 20 credit hours for major subjects as recommended by BSMA Committee. Students may register some of the courses listed below based on their research problem.

Course No. & Credit HoursPractical and Hands-on trainingHow far students getting desired practical and Hands-on training as per curriculum
PL PATH 501 (2+1) (Mycology)Practicals on symptoms of diseases of fungal nature, their microscopic sections, drawing of disease cycle, fruiting structures Students are trained on the symptoms of diseases of fungal nature, their microscopic sections, drawing of disease cycle, fruiting structures
PL PATH 502 (2+1) (Plant Virology)Practicals on symptoms of viral diseases, transmission and managementStudents are trained on symptoms and management practices
PL PATH 503 (2+1) (Plant Pathogenic Prokaryotes)Practicals on symptoms of diseases of bacterial  nature, their characteristics and management  Students are trained on symptoms, characteristics  and management practices
PL PATH 504 (2+1) (Plant Nematology)Practicals on symptoms of nematode diseases, their extraction, and characteristics management  Students are trained on symptoms and management practices
PL PATH 511 (2+1) (Chemicals and botanicals in plant disease management)Practicals on fungicides, antibiotics compound, botanicals and their evaluation against plant pathogens   Students are trained on bioefficacy evaluation  of chemical formulations and botanicals in the management  practices
PL PATH 515 (2+1) (Diseases of Field and Medicinal crops)Practicals on symptoms of diseases, spread, infection conditions, and management  Students are trained on symptoms of diseases, spread, infection conditions, and management  practices
PL PATH 509 (2+0) (Disease Resistance in plants)This course does not involve practicals and deals with different principles of disease management  Students are trained to understand the principles of disease management

Teaching Faculty:

NameDesignationMobile Numbere-mail
Dr. Arun SataraddiProfessor and
Dr. M. M.
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