Research / Ph.D. Trainings

  1. Research projects sanctioned

A) Outside funded Projects (Nos.)

SNOutside funded Projects2019-202020-212021-222022-232023-24
 1Agriculture Engineering0000000001
 2Agricultural Entomology0101010402
 3Agricultural Microbiology0000010000
 4Food Science and Nutrition0200010100
 6Genetics and Plant Breeding0501000201
 8Plant Pathology0102010101
 9Soil Science and Agril. Chemistry0000000000

B) University funded projects

SNSRPs/SIRPs (Nos.)2019-202020-212021-222022-232023-24
 1Agriculture Economics0101
 2Agriculture Engineering01010101
 3Agriculture Microbiology02
 4Genetics and Plant Breeding01
 5Plant Pathology01
 Total0304010200 Varieties/technologies developed by the faculty (Nos.)

 1Agricultural Engineering02
 2Food Science and Nutrition0101
 3Genetics and Plant Breeding01
 5Soil Science and Agril. Chemistry01
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